♥ ♥ ...throughout my life,

I have owez been afraid of losing the people I love,

but then, sometimes I wonder,

is there anyone out there afraid of losing me?... ♥ ♥

Thursday, April 29, 2010

1st day di Tioman....

Akhirnya smpai jua hari yg dtunggu....
2-4hb Mac 2010...Family Day Electrical at Tioman....
Bgerak dr uma kul 7pg...hmmm smgt glerr...
Tp smpi sane ade kalut cket sb one of my opismate suda pitam sblm nek feri...hehehe
But everything gonna be okeh...sume slmt nek feri....
Sgt best....kitorg jenjln da mcm feri 2 kitorg yg punye...hehehe

Nie time kt luar feri...amek angin...huhuhu pdhl seram gak nie...

Silau maaa...hehehe sume tyang spect...kah3....

Sejam lbey gak pjlnan...akhirnye smpai gak kt resort kitorg...
Emmm sgt teruja beb...Subhanallah....indah sungguh ciptaan Tuhan....

Shantekkk knnnn??.....rase cm nk trjun trus jek kt laut 2....byk gler ikan....hehehe
Pas welcome drink....we all amek kunci blik msing2....
Mau rehat2 n get ready tuk telematch ptg nnt....yahuuuuuuu

Pkul 230 ptg sume da ready tul telematch...
Alaaa bkn men pe pn...saje suke2...bgumbiraaa...hehehe
Aku devide pd 3 group jek mmandangkn kitorg pn xde la rmai mane pn....
Tgk jelaa pic nie yekkk....layannnnn~~~~

Da abes bese laaa...bgambar yg best glerr...
Kitorg ni dhlaa pntang tgk camera....pEaCe....hehehe

Mlm nie ade karoke + bbQ...yuMmy2....
Ckp je nk mkn pe....sume org 2 da ciap bkar kn...hehehe
Klu ari2 cmnie mau gemok gler bdn aku haaaa.... (pdhl da mmg oredi pn...huhu)

Da kenyanggggg...erkkkkk... :)
Tgh2 yg len khusyuk mkn....aku pn wt surprise...
Knon2 nk wt bufday tuk ma aku wt tuk anniversary my mum n dad skali...
Em ibu n ayah tkejut....holaaa unplanned...hehehe bkn slalu kn...

Next agenda....mkarok kn diri kamiiiii....
Hmmmm...mmg hantu mic sume....
Bgegar la Sun Beach Resort mlm nih....hehehehe

Plihlaaa lagu dlu...haa amek ko...sbakul cD dorg bg...hehehe

Org ptama mnyumbang kn sore nye....ofkos laaa mamat nih....hehehe

Aku pn x ktinggalan duet jekkk... :)

Pas2 kami yg bujang2 nie dok lepak kt jeti....
Tgk laut...amek angin...jln2...hehehe
Kite jumpe sok pg yek....nite ~~


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